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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Two Cents: Don't Wait

If you're expecting The Benjamin Gate or anything similar, DON'T buy this album. If you thought I was disappointed with Leigh Nash's solo debut, that was nothing in comparison to how saddened I am with The Benjamin Gate frontwoman, Adie Camp's (then Adrienne Liesching), freshman release. You see, TBG was and is one of my favorite bands. In TBG, Adie's vocals more than rivaled any female alt-pop-rock vocal, beating even The Cranberries', in my opinion. And, MAN, could this chick rock! Personally, I've never seen a woman rock so hard in concert. (I saw The Gate live three times and have the DVD to prove her prowess.) Since TBG disbanded, Adie's married CCM darling Jeremy Camp and had two children. I realize that love, marriage and children change a person (and that Adie no longer has the men of The Gate to provide the music behind her), but who ever said that moms can't rock? Listening to Don't Wait was painful for me. I was prepared for a little less rock than TBG's signature sound, but I was not prepared for an AC Adie. (It's a sad day when Rebecca St. James sounds more "edgy" than Adie.) The only semi-notable track is her cover of The Byrd's "Turn, Turn, Turn," but it definitely does not merit a purchase. If you're a fan of The Benjamin Gate, do yourself a favor and just remember Adie the way she was -- don't buy Don't Wait.

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Blogger t-HYPE said...

ROFL! Thanks for the warning!

9:45 AM  

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