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Monday, July 21, 2008

Dragging (or Shuffling) My Feet

I've finally stepped into the world of iPod -- with one foot, mind you. (The other is in the Stone Age.) No, I have not decided to join the ranks of those waging war against "the album" (see my 10.27.07 On Behalf of Albums post) -- I was gifted an iPod Shuffle via a work-related giveaway. Nothing speaks louder than my use of the iPod thus far (or lack thereof). I have had my Shuffle for 18 days now and have not used it once. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for the gift that I received. I am glad I have an iPod. I have loaded music on it and charged it. I just haven't needed it yet. You see, when I take the occasional walk outside, I don't want to be distracted with music -- I like to think, pray or simply observe the surrounding beauty. When I'm at work -- planted in front of a PC for seven plus hours -- I like to take that opportunity to listen to entire albums (thereby celebrating the life of "the album"). I believe that if my job was more portable -- or if I exercised on a regular basis -- I would have a need for my Shuffle. Admittedly, my winning Shuffle prize has influenced my consideration of a possible iPod purchase in the future...



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