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Saturday, July 08, 2006

P.O.D.: EP vs. LP

I was saddened early this year after P.O.D.'s latest LP, Testify, was released, having LOVED The Warriors EP Vol. 2, which hit stores in late '05. The EP represents everything that I love about the boys from Southtown -- raw passion, reggae, rap and rock. So, when I spun Testify, I was disappointed to find that the "wildfire" seemed to have been subdued. The disc is not a total wash, however, thanks to notable moments with Matisyahu, etc. While Testify has been back on my shelf for some time, EP numero dos remains in my car, ready for rotation and rawk.

Note: You'll notice that Testify is in the running for my five favorite albums of the year (see the Albums of the Year: The Halfway Mark post), despite the lack of wildfire.

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